冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1143期:第五十四章 琼恩(20)(在线收听

   Do you think your brother's war is more important than ours? the old man barked. “你觉得你兄弟的战争比我们这场战争更重要?”老人喝道。

  Jon chewed his lip. The raven flapped its wings at him. "War, war, war, war," it sang. 琼恩噘起嘴唇。乌鸦朝他拍拍翅膀,“战争!战争!战争!战争!”它唱道。
  It's not, Mormont told him. "Gods save us, boy, you're not blind and you're not stupid. “我看不然。”莫尔蒙告诉他,“诸神保佑,孩子,你眼睛没瞎,人也不笨。
  When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?" 等哪天死人在黑夜里大举入侵,你觉得谁坐在铁王座上还有差别么?”
  No. Jon had not thought of it that way. “没有。”琼恩没想到这层。
  Your lord father sent you to us, Jon. Why, who can say? Why? Why? Why? the raven called. “琼恩,你父亲大人把你送来这里,你可知为什么?”“为什么?为什么?为什么?”乌鸦又叫道。
  All I know is that the blood of the First Men flows in the veins of the Starks. “我知道你们史塔克家人体内依旧流淌着先民的血液,
  The First Men built the Wall, and it's said they remember things otherwise forgotten. 而长城正是先民所建筑,据说他们还记得早已被人遗忘的事情。
  And that beast of yours... he led us to the wights, warned you of the dead man on the steps. 至于你那头小狼……引领我们找到尸鬼的是他,警告你楼上有死人的也是他。
  Sir Jaremy would doubtless call that happenstance, yet Sir Jaremy is dead and I'm not. 杰瑞米爵士多半会说一切纯属巧合,但他死了,我还好端端地活着。”
  Lord Mormont stabbed a chunk of ham with the point of his dagger. 莫尔蒙司令用匕首刺起一块火腿。
  "I think you were meant to be here, and I want you and that wolf of yours with us when we go beyond the Wall." “我认为你是命中注定要来这里的。等我们越墙北进时,我希望你和你那头狼与我们同在。”
  His words sent a chill of excitement down Jon's back. "Beyond the Wall?" 他的这番话使琼恩的背脊为之一颤。“越墙北进?”