美国语文第五册 第126期:暴风雪(2)(在线收听

   Half-afraid, he first against the window beats; 鸟儿轻轻,叩击灯火的窗棂,

  then, brisk, alights on the warm hearth; 飞到灶台,敏捷轻盈地落地,
  then, hopping o'er the floor, 跳跃桌上,啄食那面包残屑,
  Eyes all the smiling family askance, 风雪弥漫,难见的盛宴佳肴。
  And pecks, and starts, and wonders where he is; 全家目光,惊异这不速之客,
  Till, more familiar grown, the table crumbs attract his slender feet. 可爱乖巧,来自何方的生灵。
  The foodless wilds pour forth their brown inhabitants. 寒冬腊月, 饥馁动物们纷纷逃窜,
  The hare, though timorous of heart, and hard beset by death in various forms, dark snares and dogs, 猎犬狂吠, 冰雪荒原上四面陷阱,胆怯野兔,难逃黑暗死亡的包抄;
  And more unpitying men, the garden seeks, 处心竭虑, 血腥残忍的追踪猎手,
  Urged on by fearless want. the bleating kind. 大开杀戒, 利欲熏心地杀戮围剿。
  Eye the bleak heaven, and next the glistening earth, 悲哀羊群, 满山积雪明晃晃耀眼,
  With looks of dumb despair; then, sad dispersed, 神色绝望, 仰望天空上乌云环绕,
  Dig for the withered herb through heaps of snow 咩咩长叹, 雪地下刨开枯枝败草。
  Now, shepherds, to your helpless charge be kind, 那牧羊人,疼爱你的牛羊吧,
  Baffle the raging year, and fill their pens with food at will; 苛刻主人,无视严寒的肆虐,
  lodge them below the storm, and watch them strict; 冰天雪地,围栏里草料稀少;
  for from the bellowing east, in this dire season, oft the whirlwind's wing sweeps up the burden of whole wintry plains in one wide waft, 可怜畜群,暴雪中无以遮挡,狂风咆哮,遽然盘旋过田野,卷走多少,惊恐不已的嘶叫;
  and o'er the hapless flocks, 洪水淹没,相邻山间的洞穴,
  Hid in the hollow of two neighboring hills, 汹涌冲进,牛羊栖息的岩角,
  The billowy tempest 'whelms; till, upward urged, 沟谷崩塌,山脊处雷鸣电闪,
  The valley to a shining mountain swells, 高空激流,一簇花环盘山绕,
  Tipped with a wreath high-curling in the sky . 万物刍狗,何以见悲悯之道?