美国语文第五册 第163期:勇士如何安睡(在线收听

   How sleep the brave who sink to rest  那沉眠地下的勇士,如何安睡?

  By all their country's wishes blessed! 坟茔上,撒满母亲祝福的麦穗。
  When Spring, with dewy fingers cold,  春来了,指尖上露珠冰凉彻骨,
  Returns to deck their hallowed mold,  轻轻地,将魂灵皮囊精心描绘。
  She there shall dress a sweeter sod  弹指间,笑盈盈草地嫣红绽绿,
  Than Fancy's feet have ever trod. 硝烟尽,桃花落,转眼人间仙境。
  By fairy hands their knell is rung;  彩弦声声,谁愿将哀伤奏与后人?
  By forms unseen their dirge is sung;  蓦然回首,春风破哪首挽歌翻舞?
  There honor comes a pilgrim gray,  如今荣耀,照亮朝圣者晦暗墓穴,
  To bless the turf that wraps their clay; 青山千古,早捻碎铮铮铁骨入土。
  And Freedom shall awhile repair  春寒料峭,英雄豪情斯人已远去,
  To dwell a weeping hermit there! 壮志未酬,长歌当哭漫漫自由路。