美国语文第五册 第215期:波士顿惨案(4)(在线收听

   None pressed on them or provoked them till they began loading, 没有市民推搡或激怒这些士兵,直到他们开始装填子弹,人群中才爆发叫骂骚动。

  when a party of about twelve in number, with sticks in their hands, moved from the middle of the street where they had been standing,  这时,一群十来人手里拿着木棍,突然从刚才站立的街中央冲将过来,
  gave three cheers, and passed along the front of the soldiers, whose muskets some of them struck as they went by.  他们高叫数声,从荷枪实弹的士兵面前跑过,有的人身体甚至抵到刺刀尖。
  "You are cowardly rascals," they said, "for bringing arms against naked men."  “你们这些胆小鬼、恶棍!”他们纷纷对士兵指责叫骂,“你们竟敢用武器对付手无寸铁的市民。”
  "Lay aside your guns, and we are ready for you."  “扔掉你们枪支,我们与你们拼一场。”
  “Are the soldiers loaded?” inquired Palmes of Preston.  “士兵们枪上好子弹吗?”地方官帕尔默斯问普雷斯顿。
  "Yes," he answered, "with powder and ball."  “上好了,”普雷斯顿回答,“火药铁砂已装好。”
  "Are they going to fire upon the inhabitants?" asked Theodore Bliss.  “士兵们会向市民开枪吗?”地方官西奥多·布利斯询问,
  "They can not, without my orders," replied Preston; “没有我的命令,不准开枪。”普雷斯顿上尉接着回答。
  while "the town-born" called out, Come on, you rascals, you bloody backs, you lobster scoundrels, fire, if you dare. We know you dare not. 在场的土著市民争相高叫,来吧,开枪吧!你们这些卑鄙流氓,血腥屠杀者,英国红虾兵的无赖们,如果你们敢,就尽管开枪,我们知道你们不敢开枪!
  Just then, Montgomery received a blow from a stick which had hit his Musket;  恰好那时,有人用棍棒敲击蒙哥马利的毛瑟枪,然而却打到他的身上,
  and the word “fire!” being given by Preston, he stepped a little to one side, and shot Attucks,  普雷斯顿见势不好,稍微向旁边侧移让开,一声令下“开火”,一枪便击中了阿塔克斯,
  who at the time was quietly leaning on a long stick.  当时,阿塔克斯一声不吭地斜靠在一根长棍上。
  "Don't fire!" said Langford, the watchman, to Kilroi, looking him full in the face;  “不要开枪!”一位叫朗格弗德的守夜人迎面冲着士兵基诺叫道,
  but yet he did so, and Samuel Gray, who was standing next Langford, fell lifeless.  可基诺还是扣动了扳机,站在朗格弗德身边的塞缪尔·格雷应声倒地,死了。
  The rest fired slowly and in succession on the people, who were dispersing.  随后,连续缓慢的枪声在人群中炸开,人们纷纷四下逃散,
  Three persons were killed, among them Attucks, the mulatto; eight were wounded, two of them mortally.  最终结果造成三人死亡,包括黑白混血儿的阿塔克斯;八人受伤,其中两人不治身亡。
  Of all the eleven, not more than one had any share in the disturbance.  整个暴乱过程中,现场受伤或死亡的十一人中,仅有一人曾参与现场施暴。