美国语文第五册 第228期:捕捉野马(4)(在线收听

   The flanking parties were quietly extending themselves out of sight, on each side of the valley,  同时,侧翼人马也在悄无声息地散开,消失在远方,他们将在山谷四边设好埋伏圈。

  and the residue were stretching themselves like the links of a chain across it,  最后剩下的人,将补充填实整条包围圈可能出现的缺口。
  when the wild horses gave signs that they scented an enemy; snuffing the air, snorting, and looking about.  就在这时,野马群发出信号,它们发现了危险临近,马群不停地嗅嗅四周,打出喷嚏,然后环顾左右,
  At length they pranced off slowly toward the river, and disappeared behind a green bank.  最后三三两两地缓慢地朝那条河走去,消失在那条河绿色堤岸后。
  Here, had the regulations of the chase been observed,  哎呀,假如严格遵守围猎规则,
  they would have been quietly checked and turned back by the advance of a hunter from among the trees. 野马群很可能被树林里冒出的猎手拦阻,然后安静地后撤,
  Unluckily, however, we had our wildfire, Jack-o'-lantern little Frenchman to deal with.  然而,不幸的是,鬼使神差中,那位身材矮小的法国佬让整个打围过程变得诡异无常。
  Instead of keeping quietly up the right side of the valley, to get above the horses,  他们一行设伏在山谷右面,未能保持按兵不动,从而掌控野马群走向;
  the moment he saw them move toward the river he broke out of the covert of woods and dashed furiously across the plain in pursuit of them.  那家伙一看见马群朝河流那边移动,竟然从树林里冲出来,发狂地穿过草原追撵马群,从而使整个计划彻底乱套。
  This put an end to all system. The half-breeds, and half a score of rangers, joined in the chase.  这时,一些混血儿骑手,加上其他十多位游牧骑手,亦争先恐后地参与疯狂追赶。
  A way they all went over the green bank.  那些骑手们飞驰越过绿色堤岸,
  In a moment or two the wild horses reappeared, and came thundering down the valley,  不一会儿,野马群再度进入视线,山谷下一片喊声震天。
  with Frenchman, half-breeds, and rangers galloping and bellowing behind them.  那位矮小的法国人,那些混血儿打围者,还有那些游牧骑手们策马飞奔,吼叫声、呐喊声在马群身后响成一片。
  It was in vain that the line drawn across the valley attempted to check and turn back the fugitives;  此刻,那道穿越山谷准备围堵拦截野马群的防线完全失去作用。
  they were too hotly pressed by their pursuers: in their panic they dashed through the line, and clattered down the plain.  马群遭遇追赶者的猛烈追逐,它们在恐慌中狂奔,冲破了那道防线,草原上嘈杂喊叫震地连天。