美国语文第五册 第236期:点名(2)(在线收听

   Bearing between them Herbert Cline, 赫伯特·克莱恩后面,轮到他们,

  Wounded and bleeding, to answer his name. 他们蹒跚前来,接受挑战。
  “Ezra Kerr!” and a voice said “here!” “以斯拉·克尔!”“到!”
  “Hiram Kerr!” but no man replied: “海勒姆·克尔!”半天没有回应,
  They were brothers, these two; the sad wind sighed, 不寒而栗,风声滚过谷地,
  And a shudder crept through the cornfield near. 长久叹息,殉难的同胞兄弟。
  “Ephraim Deane!”—then a soldier spoke: “以法莲·迪恩!”有位士兵报告,
  “Deane carried our regiment’s colors,” he said, 迪恩,不愧我们军团骄傲!
  When our ensign was shot; I left him dead, 那时,敌人已经后退溃败,
  Just after the enemy wavered and broke. 他扛着军旗冲锋,中弹倒下。
  Close to the roadside his body lies; 他躺在路边, 快要死了,
  I paused a moment and gave him to drink; 我停下脚步, 喂他点水,
  He murmured his mother’s name, I think; 他嘴唇嗫嚅,或许唤着妈妈,
  And death came with it and closed his eyes. 最后,才慢慢闭上双眼。
  It was a victory—yes; but it cost us dear; 胜利到来,我们失去多少兄弟,
  For that company’s roll, when called at night, 点名队列中,永远不会出现。
  Of a hundred men who went into the fight, 生死离别,勇士出征几人回?
  Numbered but twenty that answered “here!” 天亦无情,残阳西下慈母泪。