美国语文第五册 第246期:天使(在线收听

   Gay, guiltless pair, 同性恋男人,好一对清纯妙人,

  What seek ye from the fields of heaven?  天国辽阔, 你们在寻找什么?
  Ye have no need of prayer,  当然,你们无需祷告,
  Ye have no sins to be forgiven.  原本清白,更无宽恕可言。
  Why perch ye here,  为什么,你们栖息这里,
  Where mortals to their Maker bend?  凡胎肉躯,为何要向上帝赎罪?
  Can your pure spirits fear The God ye never could offend?  难道说,纯粹爱恋让天主恐惧,那位,你们未曾冒犯的天神?
  Ye never knew The crimes for which we come to weep;  你们不知,我们前来哭泣的罪恶,你们并非,我们百般纠结的缘由,
  Penance is not for you,  祝福的人儿,御风而去,
  Blessed wanderers of the upper deep. 那些身影,早已绝尘高远。
  To you’t is given  永恒之光,唤醒你的内心
  To wake sweet Nature’s untaught lays;  深如天然歌声,率真本性,
  Beneath the arch of heaven  云天浩渺,圣殿拱门下,
  To chirp away a life of praise.  鸟声啁啾飞走, 赞美生命。
  Then spread each wing,  接着,展开每一道翅膀,
  Far, far above, o’er lakes and lands,  振翼高飞,越过海洋大地,
  And join the choirs that sing In yon blue dome not reared with hands.  应合着, 那些天籁之韵,飞进弯庐,见证恢宏的奇迹。
  Or, if ye stay To note the consecrated hour,  或者你们,盘桓于天空,目睹,那一神性时刻的到来,
  Teach me the airy way,  教会我,恣意快乐地飞翔,
  And let me try your envied power.  让我尝试令人钦羡的力量。
  Above the crowd, On upward wings could I but fly,  人群之上,凡尘之上,我无以所能,唯有乘风直上,
  I’d bathe in yon bright cloud,  我向往,远方亮丽云朵下沐浴,
  And seek the stars that gem the sky.  细数无尽,天空的繁星神秘。
  ’T were Heaven indeed,  诚然,穿越那些人迹罕至
  Through fields of trackless light to soar,  光的原野,穿越神奇未知,
  On Nature’s charms to feed,  生命本能的充满魔咒勃发,
  And Nature’s own great God adore.  连上帝也膜拜,人性高贵的灵动。