美国语文第五册 第302期:弗吉尼亚人(4)(在线收听

   The elder was peaceful, studious, and silent; the younger was warlike and noisy. 老大平和好学且沉默寡言,老二则挑衅好战,沉湎嬉闹。

  He was quick at learning when he began, but very slow at beginning. 每每开始学习,他反应很快;一旦进入课程便显得格外鲁钝。
  No threats of the ferule would provoke Harry to learn in an idle fit, or would prevent George from helping his brother in his lesson. 来自戒尺的惩戒对游手好闲的哈里无济于事;同时,亦无法阻止乔治协助弟弟躲避用功。
  Harry was of a strong military turn, drilled the little negroes on the estate, 哈里的军事悟性极高,他习惯模仿军官,居然有模有样地训练庄园一批黑人少年,
  and caned them like a corporal, having many good boxing matches with them, and never bearing malice if he was worsted; 经常习惯模仿军士用藤杖鞭打那些少年,或与他们进行激烈的拳击竞赛,即使被打趴在地,哈里断然亦不会心怀恶意或萌生怨恨;
  whereas George was sparing of blows, and gentle with all about him. 相反,乔治从不与人殴斗,对人总是温和友善。
  As the custom in all families was, each of the boys had a special little servant assigned him: and it was a known fact that George, 像当地所有贵族家庭一样,每个贵族男孩都有专门伺童跟从伺候,乔治有件轶事在当地无人不晓。
  finding his little wretch of a blackamoor asleep on his master's bed, 一天,乔治发现自己伺童居然在他这个主人的床上睡着了,
  sat down beside it, and brushed the flies off the child with a feather fan, 他一声不吭地在床边坐下,拿起一把羽毛扇给那个小坏蛋撵蚊虫;
  to the horror of old Gumbo, the child's father, who found his young master so engaged, and to the indignation of Madam Esmond, 让孩子爸爸、老黑奴甘博万分恐惧的是,埃斯蒙德夫人知道此事后恼怒万分
  who ordered the young negro off to the proper officer for a whipping. 眼前儿子的年轻主子手脚一直忙活不停。她即刻吩咐撵走那小坏蛋去接受鞭刑。
  In vain George implored and entreated— burst into passionate tears, and besought a remission of the sentence. 乔治的祈求全然无用,竟然在旁边嚎啕大哭起来,他苦苦哀求母亲赦免他的仆从,
  His mother was inflexible regarding the young rebel's punishment, and the little negro went off beseeching his young master not to cry. 当然,埃斯蒙德夫人压根不会放过对这个黑色小反骨的惩罚,那位小伺童却走上前恳求他的小主人不要哭泣。