江苏译林版牛津小学英语(3起)五年级上册:Unit2 Story time(在线收听

 Hi, Yang Ling. This is Nancy Black.  嗨,杨玲,这是南希·布莱克,

She's a new student. Can you show her around? 她是一名新生,你能带她四处转转吗?
Yes, Miss Li. 好的,李老师。
These are the classrooms. 这些是教室。
How many classrooms are there in our school? 在我们学校有多少间教室?
There are 24 classrooms. Our classroom is on the second floor. 有24间教室,我们的教室在第二层。
Are there any computer rooms? 有计算机房吗?
Yes, there are. There are two computer rooms.  是的,有。有两个计算机房,
There's a library too. They're on the third floor. 还有一个图书馆,它们在第三层。
Is there a music room? 有音乐教室吗?
Yes, there is. It's on the first floor.  是的,有。在一层,
The table tennis room is on the first floor too. Let's go and have a look. 乒乓球室也在一层,咱们过去看看吧。