江苏译林版牛津小学英语(3起)六年级下册:Unit1 Cartoon time(在线收听

 Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily. 萨姆和波比正在开心地打乒乓球。

You're really good at table tennis, Sam. 萨姆,你的乒乓球打得真好。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly.  比利和威利大声地为他们喝彩。
Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard.  萨姆很兴奋,更加卖力地打球。
Hooray! 好啊!
Then, they cannot find the ball. 接着,他找不到球了。
Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 后来,萨姆和波比在地上发现了一个洞。
Is the ball in the hole? 球在洞里吗?
Yes! I can see it. But it's too deep. I can't reach it. 是的!我看见球了。但是洞太深了。我够不着球。
Sam has an idea.  萨姆有了一个主意。
He brings some water quickly and pours it into the hole. 他迅速地找来水,把水倒入这个洞里。
Well done, Sam! 干得好,萨姆!
There are so many balls! 竟然有这么多的球!