
 She was a ship of the old school, rather small if anything; with an old-fashioned claw-footed look about her.  这是一条闯荡过世界各个大洋大海的老船,

Long seasoned and weather-stained in the typhoons and calms of all four oceans, her old hull's complexion was darkened like a French grenadier's,  日久天长的风吹日晒、雨打浪激使它浑身的颜色墨一般黑,
who has alike fought in Egypt and Siberia. Her venerable bows looked bearded.  就像那些在埃及和西伯利亚身经百战的法国兵。 
Her mastscut somewhere on the coast of Japan, where her original ones were lost overboard in a galeher masts stood stiffly up like the spines of the three old kings of Cologne.  斑驳的船头,仿佛有一副很威风的大胡子,而那来自日本海岸的桅杆—因为原来的桅杆就是在日本海岸被暴风雨摧折的—高大挺直,似乎再不会被摧折了。
Her ancient decks were worn and wrinkled, like the pilgrim-worshipped flag-stone in Canterbury Cathedral where Becket bled.  船的甲板有的地方已经断裂了,又小心地用木板钉在了一起,
But to all these her old antiquities, were added new and marvellous features, pertaining to the wild business that for more than half a century she had followed.  好像有千万人践踏而形成的凹痕则是无法修补的。 
Old Captain Peleg, many years her chief-mate, before he commanded another vessel of his own, and now a retired seaman,  船长法勒,原来在船上当大副,后来去另一条船上当了船长,如今还是“裴廓德号”的大股东。 
and one of the principal owners of the Pequod,this old Peleg, during the term of his chief-mateship, had built upon her original grotesqueness,  法勒当大副时,在船体的装饰上是下了一番大功夫的,又是嵌又是镶,把整个船体弄得像一位脖子上套着沉重的象牙的埃塞俄比亚皇帝似的。 
and inlaid it, all over, with a quaintness both of material and device, unmatched by anything except it be Thorkill-Hake's carved buckler or bedstead.  这条船的装饰物都是几十年以来它的战利品,就像吃人部落的战士,用他杀死的的骨头做饰物。 