
 Now when I looked about the quarter-deck, for some one having authority, in order to propose myself as a candidate for the voyage, at first I saw nobody;  我站在它的甲板上,想找个当头的,好自荐。

but I could not well overlook a strange sort of tent, or rather wigwam, pitched a little behind the main-mast.  可不但没见着当头的,一个人影也没见着。 
It seemed only a temporary erection used in port. It was of a conical shape, some ten feet high; consisting of the long,  主桅后面一顶临时帐篷引起了我的注意,它呈圆锥形,
huge slabs of limber black bone taken from the middle and highest part of the jaws of the right-whale.  是用一只露脊鲸的头部的几大片骨头搭成的。
Planted with their broad ends on the deck, a circle of these slabs laced together, mutually sloped towards each other,  把鲸鱼那些宽大的骨板插在甲板上,围成一个圆,用绳子相连,
and at the apex united in a tufted point, where the loose hairy fibres waved to and fro like the top-knot on some old Pottowottamie Sachem's head.  系紧,在顶部形成一个尖儿。向朝头的这一面开了一个三角形的入口,坐在里面,可以看到大船行驶的方向。 
A triangular opening faced towards the bows of the ship, so that the insider commanded a complete view forward.  这帐篷似乎是船靠岸以后才搭的。里面坐着个人,似乎是个头目。 