
 But I said nothing, only looking round me sharply.  我什么也没说,注意地观察着周围的情况。 

Peleg now threw open a chest, and drawing forth the ship's articles, placed pen and ink before him, and seated himself at a little table.  法勒从一个箱子里拿出船上用的契约来,又找出墨水和笔,都摆在了一张小桌上。 
I began to think it was high time to settle with myself at what terms I would be willing to engage for the voyage.  我脑子里飞快地盘算着这契约的条款问题,当然关键是我有多少拆账。所谓拆账,就是红利。
I was already aware that in the whaling business they paid no wages;  因为浦鲸船上是不发工资的,
but all hands, including the captain, received certain shares of the profits called lays,  报酬是捕鲸回来以后的利润,
and that these lays were proportioned to the degree of importance pertaining to the respective duties of the ship's company.  这利润是按百分比分到每个人身上的。 
I was also aware that being a green hand at whaling, my own lay would not be very large;  就我本身而言,是捕鲸业的新手,拆账不会多;
but considering that I was used to the sea, could steer a ship, splice a rope, and all that,  但我又有多次航海经验,我会掌舵、会搓绳子、适应航行生活,
I made no doubt that from all I had heard I should be offered at least the 275th lay, 我的拆账不能太低,应在二百七十五分之一左右。
that is, the 275th part of the clear net proceeds of the voyage, whatever that might eventually amount to. 尽管这显然是无所谓的大拆账,但对我来说已经可以接受了。 