
 Captain Peleg, said I, I have a friend with me who wants to ship too—shall I bring him down to-morrow?  法勒船长,我还有个朋友,他也想当水手,明天让他跟我一块儿来吧? 

To be sure, said Peleg. Fetch him along, and we'll look at him.  可以,让他来,我看看。 
What lay does he want? groaned Bildad, glancing up from the book in which he had again been burying himself.  他要多少拆账? 又埋下头来看书的比勒达警觉地抬起头来问。 
Oh! never thee mind about that, Bildad, said Peleg. Has he ever whaled it any? turning to me.  比勒达,这就不用你管了。我问你,以实玛利,他捕过鲸吗? 
Killed more whales than I can count, Captain Peleg.  噢,法勒船长,我已经记不清他到底杀死过多少鲸了! 
Well, bring him along then.  那好吧,让他来吧! 
And, after signing the papers, off I went;  签了合同,我就离开了裴廓德号。
nothing doubting but that I had done a good morning's work, and that the Pequod was the identical ship that Yojo had provided to carry Queequeg and me round the Cape.  我完成了一件大事,按约约的命令找到了要带我和魁魁格去合恩角的船。 
But I had not proceeded far, when I began to bethink me that the Captain with whom I was to sail yet remained unseen by me;  我突然又停住了脚步:这两位船长都只是船主啊,真正指挥这条船的亚哈船长我还没见到呢! 
though, indeed, in many cases, a whale-ship will be completely fitted out, and receive all her crew on board, ere the captain makes himself visible by arriving to take command;  一般说来,捕鲸船泊在港口的日子都很短,
for sometimes these voyages are so prolonged, and the shore intervals at home so exceedingly brief, that if the captain have a family,  而出海作业的日子又很长,所以船一靠岸,船长就会抓紧时间回家或者上岸办些事。
or any absorbing concernment of that sort, he does not trouble himself much about his ship in port, but leaves her to the owners till all is ready for sea.  至于船上的事,他可以完全撒手,任船主们去处理。 不过,到了船上你可就要完全听他的了,所以现在还是见一见他。