
 As for Bildad, he carried about with him a long list of the articles needed, and at every fresh arrival, down went his mark opposite that article upon the paper.  比勒达和法勒自然也没闲着:比勒达身上带着一个船上需要物的清单,每当一样东西运上船,他都要在清单上相应的位置打个勾儿;

Every once in a while Peleg came hobbling out of his whalebone den, roaring at the men down the hatchways, roaring up to the riggers at the mast-head, and then concluded by roaring back into his wigwam.  法勒则在不停地东游游西看看,看到有什么不顺他的眼的地方,便要咆哮一顿。 
During these days of preparation, Queequeg and I often visited the craft, and as often I asked about Captain Ahab, and how he was, and when he was going to come on board his ship.  我和魁魁格几乎每天都要上船上去一次,问问准备的怎么样了?亚哈船长的健康恢复了吗?他什么时候能上船?我们又什么时候能开船? 
To these questions they would answer, that he was getting better and better, and was expected aboard every day; meantime, the two captains, Peleg and Bildad, could attend to everything necessary to fit the vessel for the voyage.  法勒和比勒达每次都说准备的差不多了;亚哈船长已经恢复了健康;随时都可能上船,我们随时也都可能开船。 