
 Moreover, in the infancy of the first Australian settlement,  这样说不仅仅是因为捕鲸者是较早登上那块大陆的人,

the emigrants were several times saved from starvation by the benevolent biscuit of the whale-ship luckily dropping an anchor in their waters.  在以后的数十年中,澳洲的早期开发者常常因为饥荒而面临绝境,几乎每次他们都是从路过那里的捕鲸船上获得硬面包,而幸免于难的。 
The uncounted isles of all Polynesia confess the same truth, and do commercial homage to the whale-ship,  玻利尼亚尼岛屿上的人们便十分坦诚地承认这一事实,并且明白地向捕鲸船致以诚挚的敬意。
that cleared the way for the missionary and the merchant, and in many cases carried the primitive missionaries to their first destinations.   捕鲸船还为牧师、商人开了路,事先就为那些蛮荒之地灌输了一定的宗教与买卖的观念。 
If that double-bolted land, Japan, is ever to become hospitable, it is the whale-ship alone to whom the credit will be due; for already she is on the threshold.  就说那一向闭关锁国的日本吧,它的开放可以说应该完全归功于捕鲸船,是捕鲸船开到了它的大门口,把外面世界的文明带给了它。 
But if, in the face of all this, you still declare that whaling has no aesthetically noble associations connected with it,  你也许会说,从审美的角度讲,捕鲸者与他们自身的业绩是不相配的;你还会说,
then am I ready to shiver fifty lances with you there, and unhorse you with a split helmet every time.  好吧,你如果这样说的话,我可要和你斗上几十个回合了。不把你打得人仰马翻我是不会善罢甘休的。 
The whale has no famous author, and whaling no famous chronicler, you will say.  以鲸鱼为体裁的作品没有什么名着,捕鲸者中也没出过什么有名的作家。 