
 But this august dignity I treat of, is not the dignity of kings and robes, but that abounding dignity which has no robed investiture.  我这里讲的“尊严”不是帝王将相的尊严,而是平民百姓的尊严,

Thou shalt see it shining in the arm that wields a pick or drives a spike; that democratic dignity which, on all hands, radiates without end from God; Himself!  这尊严表现在他们有力的臂膀上,表现在他们手中投枪的闪光上。 平民的尊严来自于上帝光芒的照耀! 
The great God absolute! The centre and circumference of all democracy! His omnipresence, our divine equality! 独来独往的上帝是人间的民主与平等的起源,
If, then, to meanest mariners, and renegades and castaways, I shall hereafter ascribe high qualities, though dark; weave round them tragic graces;  他无所不在的神通,造就了万千人类子孙的尊严。 
if even the most mournful, perchance the most abased, among them all, shall at times lift himself to the exalted mounts; if I shall touch that workman's arm with some ethereal light;  我也许要将人类的一些高贵品质归之于一些最卑贱的水手和异教徒身上,在他们之中挑选出感人的悲剧人物来;我也许还要写到您的灵光在他们有力的臂膀上的闪光,
if I shall spread a rainbow over his disastrous set of sun; then against all mortal critics bear me out in it, thou just Spirit of Equality, which hast spread one royal mantle of humanity over all my kind!  写到彩虹一样的五彩之路接续了他们充满厄运的命运之路…万能的上帝啊,拯救我于迷途吧! 