
 Tell me, when this same Pequod here had her three masts overboard in that typhoon on Japan, that same voyage when thou went mate with Captain Ahab, did'st thou not think of Death and the Judgment then?  够了,比勒达!当时大家想的只是船要沉了,船要沉了,谁还有时间去想什么死神和末日? 

Hear him, hear him now, cried Peleg, marching across the cabin, and thrusting his hands far down into his pockets,—hear him, all of ye.  想想吧,三根掉进海里的桅杆不停地撞击着船帮,打雷一样响!
Think of that! When every moment we thought the ship would sink! Death and the Judgment then? What?  海水像倾盆大雨似的浇在我们头上,谁能想什么死神和末日? 
With all three masts making such an everlasting thundering against the side; and every sea breaking over us, fore and aft.  谁还有时间去想什么死神和末日?
Think of Death and the Judgment then? No! no time to think about Death then.  亚哈船长和我非但没有想死,而且一直在想生,怎么生!怎么救大家的命! 
Life was what Captain Ahab and I was thinking of; and how to save all hands—how to rig jury-masts—how to get into the nearest port; that was what I was thinking of.  要赶紧竖起那应急的桅杆来,要赶紧把船开到最近的一个港口里去,要保住船上每一个人的生命…这就是我们当时的所思所想! 
Bildad said no more, but buttoning up his coat, stalked on deck, where we followed him.  比勒达显然一时不知该说什么好了,他系上上衣的扣子,在甲板上来回地走着。