老外最常用的英文短语 第776期:get paid(在线收听

 get paid 得到支付,拿到薪水

We're not leaving until we get paid! 如果我们拿不到钱,就绝对不会离开!
We work. We get paid. You don't owe me anything. 我们工作就有薪水,你没有欠我什么。
Some guys get paid a great deal of money for it. 有些人因为这件事得到了一大笔钱。
If you ask me, we aren't getting paid enough. 要我说的话,我们拿到的薪水肯定不够。
That's true, but we don't have a choice. 没错,不过我们也没有别的选择了。