
 No, said Peleg, and he hasn't been baptized right either, or it would have washed some of that devil's blue off his face. 不,法勒说,他还没有正式受过洗呢,不然的话,他脸上该不会显得这么毫无神气吧(指魁魁格做了一天一夜的斋戒后,脸上毫无血色。

Do tell, now, cried Bildad, is this Philistine a regular member of Deacon Deuteronomy's meeting? I never saw him going there, and I pass it every Lord's day. 现在,老实说吧,比勒达嚷着,这个非力士人是德脱罗诺米执事的宣道会的正式会友吗?我从来没见过他在那里,我每个主日都在那地方。
I don't know anything about Deacon Deuteronomy or his meeting, said I;  我一点也不知道什么德脱罗诺米执事,也不知道他的宣道会,我说,
all I know is, that Queequeg here is a born member of the First Congregational Church. He is a deacon himself, Queequeg is. 我所知道的是,这个魁魁格生下来就是第一公理教会的教友。他自己就是个执事,魁魁格就是个执事。
Young man, said Bildad sternly, thou art skylarking with me-explain thyself, thou young Hittite. What church dost thee mean? answer me. 小伙子,比勒达严峻地说,你简直是在跟我大开玩笑。你自己说吧,你这个小赫人。你说的是哪一种教派,回答我吧。
Finding myself thus hard pushed, I replied, I mean, sir, the same ancient Catholic Church to which you and I,  我觉得自己已给逼得走投无路了,于是答道:我指的是那个古代的天主教派,先生,也是你跟我,
and Captain Peleg there, and Queequeg here, and all of us, and every mother's son and soul of us belong;  还有那边的法勒船主,跟这个魁魁格,我们大家,我们每一个人都归属的教派;
the great and everlasting First Congregation of this whole worshipping world; we all belong to that;  就是这整个崇拜的世界的伟大而万世不易的公理教会;我们都是属于这个教派;
only some of us cherish some queer crotchets no ways touching the grand belief; in that we all join hands. 只有我们里头一些怀有怪想的人才不同这个伟大的信仰发生关系;我们大家都在那个信仰中手携手了。
Splice, thou mean'st splice hands, cried Peleg, drawing nearer.  捻接,你应该说手捻接手,法勒更走拢些,叫道。
Young man, you'd better ship for a missionary, instead of a fore-mast hand;  小伙子,你还是去做牧师,用不着当水手啦;
I never heard a better sermon. Deacon Deuteronomy-why Father Mapple himself couldn't beat it, and he's reckoned something.  我从来没有听到比这更好的讲道。怕连德脱罗诺米执事...不,怕连梅普尔神甫本人也敌不过你呢,他还算是个有点本事的人咧。
Come aboard, come aboard: never mind about the papers. I say, tell Quohog there-what's that you call him?  上船来,上船来,甭提什么证件了。我说,告诉那个刮荷格。你管他叫什么?