
 It was nearly six o'clock, but only grey imperfect misty dawn, when we drew nigh the wharf. 我们走近码头的时候,已经快六点钟了,天还只蒙蒙亮。

There are some sailors running ahead there, if I see right, said I to Queequeg, it can't be shadows; she's off by sunrise, I guess; come on! 我要是没看错的话,那边也有几个水手在朝前跑去,我对魁魁格说,那不会是影子;我猜想,太阳一出来就要开船了;走吧!
Avast! cried a voice, whose owner at the same time coming close behind us, laid a hand upon both our shoulders, and then insinuating himself between us,  慢着!一个声音嚷道,同时,那个说话的人已在我们后面走拢来了,两只手搭着我们两只肩膀,然后,挤到我们中间来,站在那里,
stood stooping forward a little, in the uncertain twilight, strangely peering from Queequeg to me. It was Elijah. 身子朝前微弯,在模糊的晨曦中,他显得很是奇特地眯着眼瞧瞧魁魁格,又瞧瞧我。原来是以利亚。
Going aboard? 上船啦?
Hands off, will you, said I. 把手拿开,好吗?我说。
Lookee here, said Queequeg, shaking himself, go 'way! 喂,魁魁格身子一抖,说,走开!
Aint going aboard, then? 那么,是不是上船呵?
Yes, we are, said I, but what business is that of yours? Do you know, Mr. Elijah, that I consider you a little impertinent? 不错,我们要上船了,我说,可是,这干你什么事?你可知道,以利亚先生,我认为你有点卤莽吧?
No, no, no; I wasn't aware of that, said Elijah, slowly and wonderingly looking from me to Queequeg, with the most unaccountable glances. 不,不,不;我倒觉不到,以利亚说,他又以极其莫名其妙的眼色,奇特而慢慢地望望我,又望望魁魁格。
Elijah, said I, you will oblige my friend and me by withdrawing. We are going to the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and would prefer not to be detained. 以利亚,我说,请你放我的朋友和我走吧。我们是准备到印度洋和太平洋去的,所以不愿意让人家耽搁时间。
Ye be, be ye? Coming back afore breakfast? 你们,是你们?早饭前就回来么?
He's cracked, Queequeg, said I, come on. 他疯啦,魁魁格,我说,走吧。
Holloa! cried stationary Elijah, hailing us when we had removed a few paces. 喂!我们走了几步后,那个站在那里一动不动的以利亚又叫了起来,招呼我们。
Never mind him, said I, Queequeg, come on. 别理他,我说,魁魁格,走吧。
But he stole up to us again, and suddenly clapping his hand on my shoulder, said--Did ye see anything looking like men going towards that ship a while ago? 但是,他又悄悄地跟上了我们,突然把他的手轻拍着我的肩膀,说刚才你看到一些象人一样的东西朝那条船走去吗?
Struck by this plain matter-of-fact question, I answered, saying, Yes, I thought I did see four or five men; but it was too dim to be sure. 我被他这个简单平凡的问题打动了,回答道,看到的,我想我看到了四五个人;可是太模糊,摸不准是不是人。