
 How it was that they so aboundingly responded to the old man's ire--by what evil magic their souls were possessed, that at times his hate seemed almost theirs;  究竟这些人物怎会这样齐心一致地应和着这老头的忿怒,他们的心灵究竟是着了什么魔法,才弄得亚哈的仇恨有时简直也就是他们的仇恨;

the White Whale as much their insufferable foe as his;  那条白鲸好象也就是他们的不共戴天的宿敌,
how all this came to be--what the White Whale was to them, or how to their unconscious understandings, also, in some dim, unsuspected way, he might have seemed the gliding great demon of the seas of life,all this to explain, would be to dive deeper than Ishmael can go.  怎么会出现这种情况。他们对白鲸究竟是怎么看法,或者说,在他们那无意识的理解力中有点模糊而无可怀疑地认为,白鲸也许就象是个蠕动的海魔王,那又是怎么回事。要把这一切都解释清楚,却不是我这个以实玛利所能再进一步追索下去的。
The subterranean miner that works in us all, how can one tell whither leads his shaft by the ever shifting, muffled sound of his pick?  那个蛊惑了我们全体的地下矿工:那种地下的。看不见的隧道和地峡似的生命。谁能从他那始终变动。
Who does not feel the irresistible arm drag?  模模糊糊的挖掘声中,知道他的矿井是在什么地方呢?
What skiff in tow of a seventy-four can stand still? For one, I gave myself up to the abandonment of the time and the place;  谁不曾感到有一只难以抗拒的胳膊在拉着呢?
but while yet all a-rush to encounter the whale, could see naught in that brute but the deadliest ill. 一只被一艘装有七十四门大炮的兵舰拖曳着的轻艇,怎能停住不动呢?就我说来,我已经决心要忘却时间和空间了;不过当大家早晚一窝蜂地去攻击大鲸的时候,我却只能在那个野物身上看到那种致命的凶相。