
   And every morning, perched on our stays, rows of these birds were seen; 每天早晨,都可以看到这些鸟群,一排排的栖止在我们的支索上,

  and spite of our hootings, for a long time obstinately clung to the hemp, 对我们的号角声置若罔闻,执拗地固守在大绞索上好久,
  as though they deemed our ship some drifting, uninhabited craft; a thing appointed to desolation, and therefore fit roosting-place for their homeless selves.  好象它们把我们这艘船看做一种无人住的、飘流的船只,看做是一件命该凄凉的东西,因此恰好作为它们那无家可归的身躯的栖身处了。
  And heaved and heaved, still unrestingly heaved the black sea, as if its vast tides were a conscience; 抛呀,掷呀,险恶的海洋还在无休无止地起伏,仿佛它那浩大的浪潮就是一颗良心,
  and the great mundane soul were in anguish and remorse for the long sin and suffering it had bred. 而那种伟大的尘世的灵魂就会天良发现,在它那久积的罪恶和苦难中悔恨,感到痛苦。
  Cape of Good Hope, do they call ye? Rather Cape Tormentoto, as called of yore; 好望角呀,人们可这样叫你么?其实,还不如象以前那样,叫做暴风雨角(好望角,靠非洲最南部,介于印度洋与大西洋之间,一四八七年,为葡萄牙探险家迪亚斯在去印度探险途中所发现,以其风涛险恶称为暴风雨角,后经葡王约翰二世改称今名,意谓从此可以有直航印度之希望了。);
  for long allured by the perfidious silences that before had attended us, 我们以前长期受到那背信弃义的静穆的诱惑,
  we found ourselves launched into this tormented sea, where guilty beings transformed into those fowls and these fish, 如今一旦驶进这个苦难的海洋,我们便觉得,在这里,罪犯变成了的种种鸟禽和鱼类,
  seemed condemned to swim on everlastingly without any haven in store, or beat that black air without any horizon. 似乎都注定要永生永世在这里游来游去,根本就没有避难所,得永远在这险恶的空际鼓翼,望不到一片陆地。
  But calm, snow-white, and unvarying; still directing its fountain of feathers to the sky; 但是,正如空际是平静、雪白而不变的,仍在指引源源不绝的鸟类飞腾上去一样;
  still beckoning us on from before, the solitary jet would at times be descried. 那个时时可以看到的孤寂的喷水,还在招呼着我们继续向前。
  During all this blackness of the elements, Ahab, though assuming for the time the almost continual command of the drenched and dangerous deck, 在风暴肆虐这种令人绝望的境地里,亚哈虽然还在继续指挥这艘透湿而危险的船只,
  manifested the gloomiest reserve; and more seldom than ever addressed his mates. 脸上却显得极其阴沉抑郁,而且比以前更难得对他那三个大二三副说话了。