
   Thus, gentlemen, though an inlander, Steelkilt was wild-ocean born, and wild-ocean nurtured; as much of an audacious mariner as any. ”这样,诸位先生,斯蒂尔基尔特虽然是个内陆人,他可是出身在汹涌的海洋中,受着波涛汹涌的海洋的熏陶,跟任何一个大胆的水手一样。

  And for Radney, though in his infancy he may have laid him down on the lone Nantucket beach, to nurse at his maternal sea;  至于拉德尼,虽然他也许从小就被搁在荒凉的南塔开特的海滩上,受着他那海洋的母亲的哺养;
  though in after life he had long followed our austere Atlantic and your contemplative Pacific; 虽然他以后长期生活在我们那严酷的大西洋和你们的爱好沉思冥想的太平洋;
  yet was he quite as vengeful and full of social quarrel as the backwoods seaman, fresh from the latitudes of buckhorn handled Bowie-knives.  然而,他却很象那些刚放下鹿角柄猎刀的森林地带的水手那样,报仇心重,爱争爱吵。
  Yet was this Nantucketer a man with some good-hearted traits; 不过,这个南塔开特人却是个略有点好心肠的人;
  and this Lakeman, a mariner, who though a sort of devil indeed, might yet by inflexible firmness, 而这个湖上人,这个水手,他虽然实在可以说是个冒失鬼,也还可以说是刚直坚定的,
  only tempered by that common decency of human recognition which is the meanest slave's right;  只是已让世人所公认的那种面子观念,也就是最卑贱的奴权冲淡了;
  thus treated, this Steelkilt had long been retained harmless and docile. 这样说来,这个斯蒂尔基尔特长期以来,倒是一直没有什么恶意,很是温驯。
  At all events, he had proved so thus far; but Radney was doomed and made mad, and Steelkilt - but, gentlemen, you shall hear. 总之,到目前为止,他确实是这样;可是拉德尼却注定要发疯了,而斯蒂尔基尔特呢——不过,诸位先生,且听我慢慢道来。
  "It was not more than a day or two at the furthest after pointing her prow for her island haven,  把船头掉向海岛的避难所去,还不上一两天,
  that the Town-Ho's leak seemed again increasing, but only so as to require an hour or more at the pumps every day. “这艘‘大鲸出来了号’上的漏洞好象又扩大了,然而,也不过是因此而需要每天多抽它一两个钟头的水而已。
  You must know that in a settled and civilized ocean like our Atlantic, 你们要知道,在象我们大西洋那样平稳和文明的海洋上,
  for example, some skippers think little of pumping their whole way across it; 比如说,有些小商船的船长在驶过那洋面的整个航程中,就很少想到要抽水;