
   "Therefore, in his ordinary tone, only a little broken by the bodily exhaustion he was temporarily in,  “因此,他用平常的声气,只不过暂时因为身体疲乏

  he answered him saying that sweeping the deck was not his business, and he would not do it. 而稍带嘶哑地回答他说,打扫甲板的差使不是他份内的事,他不干。
  And then, without at all alluding to the shovel, he pointed to three lads, as the customary sweepers;  接着他根本也不提起铲子的事,只是指着那三个本来是扫工的人说;
  who, not being billeted at the pumps, had done little or nothing all day. 这三个人,并没有派上抽水的工作,整天就不大做什么,甚至一点也没有做什么。
  To this, Radney replied, with an oath, in a most domineering and outrageous manner unconditionally reiterating his command;  拉德尼听到这番话,却用大咒大骂代替回答,极其专横暴戾,蛮不讲理,又无可置辩地重申他的命令,
  meanwhile advancing upon the still seated Lakeman, with an uplifted cooper's club hammer which he had snatched from a cask near by. 同时又从身旁的桶上随手抓起一把箍桶匠用的木棒头,举得高高地冲到那个还坐在那里的湖上人跟前。
  "Heated and irritated as he was by his spasmodic toil at the pumps, “斯蒂尔基尔特本来就让那间歇的抽水的劳作弄得气喘火冒,
  for all his first nameless feeling of forbearance the sweating Steelkilt could but ill brook this bearing in the mate; 尽管起先还有一种无法描述的忍耐功夫,可是,这时,汗流浃背的他再也按捺不住了;
  but somehow still smothering the conflagration within him, without speaking he remained doggedly rooted to his seat, 不过他还是设法压住内心的怒火,一言不发而依然顽强地、生根似地坐在那里,
  till at last the incensed Radney shook the hammer within a few inches of his face, furiously commanding him to do his bidding. 直到最后这个暴跳的拉德尼那把榔头在他眼前晃了起来,愤怒地要他遵命行事,他这才起来招架。
  "Steelkilt rose, and slowly retreating round the windlass, “斯蒂尔基尔特站了起来,慢慢地绕着绞车往后退,
  steadily followed by the mate with his menacing hammer, deliberately repeated his intention not to obey.  不慌不忙地一再声称他决不干,那个大副则手里拿着那把咄咄迫人的榔头,紧跟在他后面。
  Seeing, however, that his forbearance had not the slightest effect, by an awful and unspeakable intimation with his twisted hand  斯蒂尔基尔特看到自己的忍耐已经一点也不发生作用,就用他那抽搐的手,作出可怕而说不出的暗示,
  he warned off the foolish and infatuated man; but it was to no purpose.  警告这个愚蠢糊涂的家伙跑开,可是,这还是毫无用处。