
   "Shall we? cried the ringleader to his men.  “我们去不去?这个为首的人对他的同伴嚷道。

  Most of them were against it; but at length, in obedience to Steelkilt, 其中大多数人反对去;不过,最后,为了听从斯蒂尔基尔特,
  they preceded him down into their dark den, growlingly disappearing, like bears into a cave. 他们都跟着他走进那暗窝里去,象熊进洞一般,嘴里唠唠叨叨地走下去了。
  "As the Lakeman's bare head was just level with the planks, the Captain and his posse leaped the barricade, “当湖上人的光秃秃的头刚好齐船板的时候,船长和他那些下手就都跳上路障,
  and rapidly drawing over the slide of the scuttle, planted their group of hands upon it,  连忙把小舱口的活板给抽过来盖起,大家把手紧按在板上,
  and loudly called for the steward to bring the heavy brass padlock belonging to the companionway. 大声叫茶房把大舱口的大铜锁拿来。
  Then opening the slide a little, the Captain whispered something down the crack,  这时候,船长把活板推开了一点,朝缝隙里叽叽咕咕地说些什么后,
  closed it, and turned the key upon them — ten in number — leaving on deck some twenty or more, who thus far had remained neutral. 就把它关住,锁起——里边一共关了十个人——甲板上还有直到那时仍守中立的二十多人。
  "All night a wide-awake watch was kept by all the officers, forward and aft, especially about the forecastle scuttle and fore hatchway; “所有的头目,通夜没有睡觉,守望在船头船尾,特别留意着船头楼的小舱口和前舱口;
  at which last place it was feared the insurgents might emerge, after breaking through the bulkhead below. 因为怕这些叛乱者会把下边的隔舱打穿,打前舱口跑出来。
  But the hours of darkness passed in peace; the men who still remained at their duty toiling hard at the pumps, 可是黑夜平静地过去了,那些还在抽水的人,仍旧在辛劳地工作,
  whose clinking and clanking at intervals through the dreary night dismally resounded through the ship. 帮浦的克朗克朗声,时时令人厌烦地划破了可怖的夜空,在船里回响着。
  "At sunrise the Captain went forward, and knocking on the deck, summoned the prisoners to work; but with a yell they refused. “太阳出来的时候,船长走到船头去,敲敲甲板,叫那些被禁闭的人去工作;但是他们用一阵叫喊声回绝了。
  Water was then lowered down to them, and a couple of handfuls of biscuit were tossed after it; 后来给他们送下一些水,又给抛下几块硬面包;
  when again turning the key upon them and pocketing it, the Captain returned to the quarter-deck.  船长把钥匙在锁里一转,放进了口袋后,便回到后甲板去。