
   Twice every day for three days this was repeated; 三天里,每天这样重复两次;

  but on the fourth morning a confused wrangling, and then a scuffling was heard, as the customary summons was delivered; 可是,到了第四天早晨,在发出了例常的老命令后,却有一阵乱糟糟的口角声,接着又是一阵脚步声;
  and suddenly four men burst up from the forecastle, saying they were ready to turn to. 再一会儿,蓦地里四个人从船头楼冲了出来,说是他们要去干活了。
  The fetid closeness of the air,  大概是那里边密不通风,气味恶浊,
  and a famishing diet, united perhaps to some fears of ultimate retribution, had constrained them to surrender at discretion.  又是饿得发慌,还加上怕会受到最后的责罚,这才迫使他们不得不无条件投降了。
  Emboldened by this, the Captain reiterated his demand to the rest,  船长看到这个情况,勇气大增,于是又对那些还在下面的人重申他的要求,
  but Steelkilt shouted up to him a terrific hint to stop his babbling and betake himself where he belonged. 可是,斯蒂尔基尔特却在下面对他高声叫嚷,发出怕人的暗示,要他停止唠唠叨叨,赶紧回到他原来的地方去。
  On the fifth morning three others of the mutineers bolted up into the air from the desperate arms below that sought to restrain them. 到第五天早晨,又有三个叛乱者不顾死活地挣脱了下面要他们留下来的胳膊,突然跑了出来了。
  Only three were left. 这样,留在里边只有三个人了。
  "Better turn to, now? said the Captain with a heartless jeer. “现在,还不如回去工作为好?船长以一种无情的嘲弄说道。
  "Shut us up again, will ye! cried Steelkilt. “你还是把我们锁起来吧!斯蒂尔基尔特嚷道。
  "Oh! certainly," said the Captain, and the key clicked. “那当然啦,船长说,钥匙卡搭一响,锁住了。
  "It was at this point, gentlemen, that enraged by the defection of seven of his former associates, “就在这时,诸位先生,由于先前七个同伙的背叛而极为愤怒,
  and stung by the mocking voice that had last hailed him, 加上刚才又让船长对他那么冷言冷语所刺痛,
  and maddened by his long entombment in a place as black as the bowels of despair; 再加上他久给幽闭在那绝望的深渊似的暗窝里,弄得简直发了狂;
  it was then that Steelkilt proposed to the two Canallers, thus far apparently of one mind with him,  于是,斯蒂尔基尔特对那两个运河船的水手提出(这两个人直到这时显然还是跟他一条心的),
  to burst out of their hole at the next summoning of the garrison; 明天早晨船长再来叫喊的时候,就冲出洞口去,