
   Chapter 64 Stubb's Supper 第六十四章 斯塔布的晚餐

  Stubb's whale had been killed some distance from the ship.  斯塔布是在离开大船相当远的海上杀死那条鲸的。
  It was a calm; so, forming a tandem of three boats, we commenced the slow business of towing the trophy to the Pequod.  这一天,风平浪静;我们把三只小艇串联起来后,就开始慢慢地把这只战利品拉曳到“裴廓德号”旁边来。
  And now, as we eighteen men with our thirty-six arms, and one hundred and eighty thumbs and fingers,  这时,我们十八个人,三十六条胳膊,一百八十只大小手指,
  slowly toiled hour after hour upon that inert, sluggish corpse in the sea;  就在海里慢慢地、一个钟头过一个钟头地张罗那具僵硬的死尸;
  and it seemed hardly to budge at all, except at long intervals; good evidence was hereby furnished of the enormousness of the mass we moved.  好象很难弄得动它,要隔好久才会使它动一动;这就足以证明:我们在拉曳的这团东西有多大了。
  For, upon the great canal of Hang-Ho, or whatever they call it, in China,  因为,在那条叫做运河,或者在中国是怎样叫法的那条大运河上,
  four or five laborers on the foot-path will draw a bulky freighted junk at the rate of a mile an hour;  四五个船夫在小径上曳着一只货物奇重的舢舨船,一小时的速度都还可拉个一英里路;
  but this grand argosy we towed heavily forged along, as if laden with piglead in bulk. 可是,这只使我们拉得喘不过气来的徐徐前进的大船,却仿佛是载着生铅一般。
  Darkness came on; but three lights up and down in the Pequod's main-rigging dimly guided our way;  暮色已经拢来,不过,"裴廓德号"的大桅索具上已高高低低地挂起了三盏灯,在朦胧地为我们照路;
  till drawing nearer we saw Ahab dropping one of several more lanterns over the bulwarks.  等到快靠拢的时候,我们看到亚哈打另外几只灯笼中拿一只搁在舷墙上。
  Vacantly eyeing the heaving whale for a moment, he issued the usual orders for securing it for the night,  他对那条往上拖的鲸,茫然地望了一会,发出例常的命令,吩咐要在当夜把它缚好后,
  and then handing his lantern to a seaman, went his way into the cabin, and did not come forward again until morning. 就把他那只灯笼交给一个水手,径自回船长室去,直到隔天早晨,才重新出来。