
   yet is there no conceivable time or occasion when you will find them in such countless numbers, 然而,你就想象不到有一个时间或场合,在数目的众多上,

  and in gayer or more jovial spirits, than around a dead sperm whale, moored by night to a whaleship at sea. 在神情的奕奕上,可以跟它们在那天夜里的海上的捕鲸船边,围着一条死抹香鲸的情况相比拟。
  If you have never seen that sight, then suspend your decision about the propriety of devil-worship, and the expediency of conciliating the devil. 如果你从来没有见到过那种场面,那么,请你对于应不应该崇拜魔鬼,对于安抚魔鬼的利害得失的问题,还是暂缓作出决定为妙。
  But, as yet, Stubb heeded not the mumblings of the banquet that was going on so nigh him,  可是,直到现在,斯塔布对于近在身旁的、正在进行着的筵席的嗫嚅声,还是一点也没有注意到,
  no more than the sharks heeded the smacking of his own epicurean lips. 同样地,那些鲨鱼也没有留意到斯塔布这个老饕的嘴巴的巴嗒声。
  Cook, cook!—where's that old Fleece? 厨司,厨司!——那个弗里斯老头儿在哪儿?
  he cried at length, widening his legs still further, as if to form a more secure base for his supper;  他终于一面叫了起来,一面把双脚叉得更开些,仿佛要站得更稳,痛快地饱尝这顿晚餐;
  and, at the same time darting his fork into the dish, as if stabbing with his lance; "cook, you cook!— sail this way, cook!" 同时,他把他的叉子朝盘子里一戳,仿佛在戳着他那鱼枪;“厨司,你这厨司!——到这边来,厨司!”
  The old black, not in any very high glee at having been previously routed from his warm hammock at a most unseasonable hour,  可是,因为刚在最不相宜的时分让人家从暖烘烘的吊铺里吵醒,神色并不显得很高兴,
  came shambling along from his galley, 这个黑人老头打厨房里踉踉跄跄地踱出来。
  for, like many old blacks, there was something the matter with his knee-pans, which he did not keep well scoured like his other pans; 如象许多黑人老头一样,他的膝盖骨也有点儿毛病,所以不能象他其它那些关节一样运转自如。
  this old Fleece, as they called him, came shuffling and limping along, assisting his step with his tongs,  这个人家管他叫弗里斯老头的人,撑着火钳,慢吞吞地一瘸一瘸地走过来
  this old Ebony floundered along, and in obedience to the word of command, came to a dead stop on the opposite side of Stubb's sideboard;  这个黑檀色的人挣着走了过来,为了表示听候吩咐,在斯塔布的食具架对面死板板地停了下来;