向前一步:第82期 职业生涯中的长远梦想及短期目标(14)(在线收听

   My eighteen-month plan at the company extended into six and a half years, 之后,我的18个月目标扩展成了6年半。

  and I learned more than I ever could have hoped while working with true visionaries. 与世界上最聪明的人一起工作让我快速地成长起来。
  But eventually I felt that it was time to make a move on the jungle gym. 但最终,我感到是时候在“方格架”上采取下一步行动了。
  In my personal life, I am not someone who embraces uncertainty. 在个人生活里,我一直都不是一个能够欣然接受不确定性的人。
  I like things to be in order. 我喜欢一切都井然有序:
  I file documents in colored folders (yes, still) and my enthusiasm for reorganizing my closet continually baffles Dave. 我会用不同颜色的文件夹将资料分门别类(现在也还是这样),我对整理衣柜的热情也总是让丈夫戴夫感到费解。
  But in my professional life, I have learned to accept uncertainty and even embrace it. 但就职业生活而言,我已经学会接受它的不确定性,甚至与它热情相拥。
  Risk—and a great deal of luck—landed me at Google. 风险加上大好的运气,让我来到了谷歌。
  That worked out so well that I decided to embrace risk again, which led me to Facebook. 虽然事实证明我的选择相当正确,但我仍决定再次拥抱风险。就这样,我又来到了脸谱网。
  At the time, other companies were willing to hire me as CEO, but I joined Facebook as COO. 那个时候,也有其他公司愿意给我首席执行官的职位,而脸谱网则是邀请我去做首席运营官。
  At first, people questioned why I would take a "lower level" job working for a twenty-three-year-old. 最初,人们都问我为什么要选择一份“级别更低”的工作,去为一个23岁的年轻人打工。
  No one asks me that anymore. 当然,现在没有人再这样问了。
  As I did when I joined Google, I prioritized potential for fast growth and the mission of the company above title. 正如我当初加入谷歌一样,我首先考虑的是一个公司快速成长的潜力以及它的发展目标,而不是工作职位的头衔。
  I have seen both men and women miss out on great opportunities by focusing too much on career levels. 我见到过一些人,他们因过多关注职业级别而错过了极好的机遇。