
 then, ascending by a ladder to the summit, have a peep down the mouth; 然后,用一架梯子爬到那峰巅去,往下瞧一瞧它的嘴巴。

and were it not that the body is now completely separated from it, 如果它那身体现在不是已跟脑袋分家了的话,
with a lantern we might descend into the great Kentucky Mammoth Cave of his stomach. 我们还可以拿一只灯笼,直跨进它那肯塔基的大钟乳洞一般的肚皮里去呢。
But let us hold on here by this tooth, and look about us where we are. 不过,我们就停在它这只牙齿上,看看我们是在什么地方吧!
What a really beautiful and chaste-looking mouth! 啊,这只嘴巴真是多么漂亮多么雅致呀!
from floor to ceiling, lined, or rather papered with a glistening white membrane, glossy as bridal satins. 从地板到天花板都有镶里,或者不如说是用一层白色薄膜裱褙的,光辉闪烁,宛如新娘穿的缎子。
But come out now, and look at this portentous lower jaw, 那么,现在请走出来,看看这只可怕的下巴颏,
which seems like the long narrow lid of an immense snuff-box, with the hinge at one end, instead of one side. 它似乎很象一只大鼻烟盒的狭长盖子,开关的铰链是装在一端而不是装在边上的。
If you pry it up, so as to get it overhead, and expose its rows of teeth, it seems a terrific portcullis;  如果你把它往上一撬,好教它张在你的头顶上,露出它那许多牙齿,它真象是城门上的一排可怕的格子吊闸。
and such, alas! it proves to many a poor wight in the fishery, upon whom these spikes fall with impaling force. 哟,那些个牙齿!这些象尖铁一般的东西,一经使起打桩一样的力气,对谁敲将下来,可要叫捕鱼业中多少个可怜虫一命归西啊!
But far more terrible is it to behold, when fathoms down in the sea, 可是,更教人看得胆战心惊的是,
you see some sulky whale, floating there suspended, with his prodigious jaw, some fifteen feet long, 你看到一只满面怒容的鲸,在海里张起十五英尺长的大下巴颏,翻浮在水面上,
hanging straight down at right-angles with his body; for all the world like a ship's jibboom. 下巴垂挂得跟身体成为一只直角,随你怎样看,都跟一艘船的第二桅樯一模一样。
This whale is not dead; he is only dispirited; 这种鲸可不是死的;它只是没有精神;
out of sorts, perhaps; hypochondriac; and so supine, that the hinges of his jaw have relaxed, 也许是有点不舒服,患了忧郁症,这才仰躺在那里,连下巴的铰链也松脱了,
leaving him there in that ungainly sort of plight, a reproach to all his tribe, who must, no doubt, imprecate lock-jaws upon him. 落得一副惨相,成为它全族类的唾骂对象,它的族类毫无疑问一定会祈求上天使它害牙关紧闭症。