
 He seemed to be working in obedience to some particular presentiment. 他好象是听凭一阵预感的支配在擦着,

Nor did it remain unwarranted by the event. 而且预感就是事实那样。
Towards noon whales were raised; 将近午刻时分,又发现大鲸了。
but so soon as the ship sailed down to them, they turned and fled with swift precipitancy; 可是,船一驶过去,它们却又慌忙掉了头,迅速逃走了。
a disordered flight, as of Cleopatra's barges from Actium. 鲸群乱七八糟,象是从亚克兴来的克莉奥佩屈拉那些御船。
Nevertheless, the boats pursued, and Stubb's was foremost. 然而,几只小艇还是继续追逐下去,由斯塔布的小艇打前锋。
By great exertion, Tashtego at last succeeded in planting one iron; 费了很大的劲,塔斯蒂哥终于击中了一枪,
but the stricken whale, without at all sounding, still continued his horizontal flight, with added fleetness. 可是,那条被击中的鲸,却不完全沉下去,还继续横游过去,只是速度加快了一点。
Such unintermitted strainings upon the planted iron must sooner or later inevitably extract it. 这样连续不断的狂奔,那支插在它身上的枪头,一定迟早会给挤出来。
It became imperative to lance the flying whale, or be content to lose him. 于是,只得对这条如飞的大鲸再补上一枪,否则只好听它逃脱。
But to haul the boat up to his flank was impossible, he swam so fast and furious. What then remained? 可是,又无法把小艇划到它身边去,它游得那么快那么急。那么,该怎么办呢?
Of all the wondrous devices and dexterities, the sleights of hand and countless subtleties,  在老捕鲸手往往不得不使用的一切奇计妙策、娴熟的手法与无数灵巧的办法中,
to which the veteran whaleman is so often forced, none exceed that fine manoeuvre with the lance called pitchpoling. 莫过于巧妙地使用那种叫做投杆的捕鲸枪了。
Small sword, or broad sword, in all its exercises boasts nothing like it. 小剑或者大剑,使用起来总不及这种东西。
It is only indispensable with an inveterate running whale; 对付一只使人又气又恨的拼命狂奔的鲸,非得仰仗它不可,
its grand fact and feature is the wonderful distance to which the long lance is accurately darted from a violently rocking, jerking boat, under extreme headway. 它的主要特色,就是能够从一只高速前进的,急腾急跳的小艇上,在极远的距离内一枪中的。