
 Such is the subtle elasticity of the organ I treat of, that whether wielded in sport, or in earnest, or in anger, 这就是我要谈的那个有微妙的伸缩力的器官,不管它在挥舞时是开玩笑,或是一本正经,还是发脾气,

whatever be the mood it be in, its flexions are invariably marked by exceeding grace. 总之不管它的情绪怎样,它那柔韧灵活的动作总有一种非常优雅的特色。
Therein no fairy's arm can transcend it. 在这方面说来,是连仙人的臂膀也望尘莫及的。
Five great motions are peculiar to it. 尾巴特具五大作用。
First, when used as a fin for progression; Second, when used as a mace in battle; 第一,前进时作鳍用;第二,战斗时用作钉头锤;
Third, in sweeping; Fourth, in lobtailing; Fifth, in peaking flukes. 第三,摇尾;第四,甩动尾巴;第五,竖起裂片。
First: Being horizontal in its position, the Leviathan's tail acts in a different manner from the tails of all other sea creatures. 第一,大鲸的尾巴因为是平式的,它的动作不同于其它一切海兽的尾巴。
It never wriggles. In man or fish, wriggling is a sign of inferiority.  它从来不扭动。就人类或者鱼类说来,扭动尾巴就是卑劣的标志。
To the whale his tail is the sole means of propulsion. 可是,对于大鲸说来,它的尾巴是发挥推进力的主要手段。
Scroll-wise coiled forwards beneath the body, 它象卷轴一般在它身体下面向前一卷,
and then rapidly sprung backwards, it is this which gives that singular darting, leaping motion to the monster when furiously swimming. 接着就迅速往后一撒,正是这种动作使这种巨兽在狂奔猛游时有种奇妙的一冲一跃的姿势。
His side-fins only serve to steer by. 它两边的鳍只是作为把舵之用的。
Second: It is a little significant, that while one sperm whale only fights another sperm whale with his head and jaw, 第二,稍微有点特色的是,只有在一条抹香鲸跟另外一条抹香鲸争斗的时候,它们才使用头和嘴,
nevertheless, in his conflicts with man, he chiefly and contemptuously uses his tail. 可是,在跟人类作战的时候,它主要是傲慢地用它的尾巴。
In striking at a boat, he swiftly curves away his flukes from it, and the blow is only inflicted by the recoil.  在攻击一只小艇的时候,它迅捷地把裂片打艇身一撒,可是等它一缩回来,那个打击才叫厉害。