
 Time out of mind the piratical proas of the Malays, lurking among the low shaded coves and islets of Sumatra, 在太古时代,那些马来的海盗快帆船,就隐藏在苏门答腊的矮林低覆的窄湾小岛间,

have sallied out upon the vessels sailing through the straits, fiercely demanding tribute at the point of their spears. 遇见船只驶过海峡,就突出袭击,穷凶极恶地以他们的枪尖来要求贡礼。
Though by the repeated bloody chastisements they have received at the hands of European cruisers, 虽然他们一再遭到欧洲巡洋舰的恶毒的惩罚,
the audacity of these corsairs has of late been somewhat repressed; 使得这些海盗的胆大妄为近来有所收敛;
yet, even at the present day, we occasionally hear of English and American vessels, 然而,甚至时至今日,我们还偶尔会听到说,
which, in those waters, have been remorselessly boarded and pillaged. 在这一带的水域,有些英美船只遭到了残忍的洗劫。
With a fair, fresh wind, the Pequod was now drawing nigh to these straits; 这时,随着一阵畅快的疾风,"裴廓德号"正逐渐驶近这些海峡。
Ahab purposing to pass through them into the Java sea, 亚哈打算经过这些海峡,进入爪哇海,
and thence, cruising northwards, over waters known to be frequented here and there by the Sperm Whale, 然后再朝北驶去,横过那些据说是到处都有大抹香鲸出没的海洋,
sweep inshore by the Philippine Islands, and gain the far coast of Japan, in time for the great whaling season there. 掠过菲律宾群岛的沿海,到达遥远的日本海,以便及时赶上那边盛大的捕鲸季节。
By these means, the circumnavigating Pequod would sweep almost all the known Sperm Whale cruising grounds of the world, 这样做法,这只环游世界的"裴廓德号"在驶遍世界一切著名的抹香鲸巡游渔场后,
previous to descending upon the Line in the Pacific; 就几乎突然冲上太平洋的赤道线了。
where Ahab, though everywhere else foiled in his pursuit, firmly counted upon giving battle to Moby Dick, in the sea he was most known to frequent; 虽然亚哈到处都追踪不到莫比-迪克,但是,他却坚定地指望要在这个人所共知的、是它经常出没的海洋上,跟它一决胜负;
and at a season when he might most reasonably be presumed to be haunting it. 何况正碰上一个估计它最有可能在那里出没的季节。
But how now? in this zoned quest, does Ahab touch no land? does his crew drink air? 但是,在这样分区的追踪中,现在的情况怎样啦?亚哈是不是完全不靠岸?他那些水手喝空气么?