
   A division which, in the whale, is much like halving an apple; there is no intermediate remainder. 鲸的这种分法,倒很象是把一只苹果对半剖开来,中间一点也没有剩留。

  Now as this law, under a modified form, is to this day in force in England; 因为这个法律,形式虽有所修改,却直到今天还施行于英国;
  and as it offers in various respects a strange anomaly touching the general law of Fast—and Loose-Fish, 又因为这个法律,就各方面说来,都跟有主鲸和无主鲸这个总的法律精神有着奇特的矛盾,
  it is here treated of in a separate chapter, 将其单独列为一章,
  on the same courteous principle that prompts the English railways to be at the expense of a separate car, 所以,在这里,根据英国铁路当局,特为准备供皇族使用,
  specially reserved for the accommodation of royalty. 而拨专款建造单独车厢的这个谦恭原则。
  In the first place, in curious proof of the fact that the above-mentioned law is still in force, 首先,为了好奇地证实上述法律迄今仍在施行,
  I proceed to lay before you a circumstance-that happened within the last two years. 我想先把两年前所发生的情况说给你听。
  It seems that some honest mariners of Dover, or Sandwich, or some one of the Cinque Ports, 好象是多佛海峡(法英之间的海峡),或者散德维奇,还是辛格港,
  had after a hard chase succeeded in killing and beaching a fine whale which they had originally descried afar off from the shore. 有几个老实水手,在千辛万苦的追击后,终于把他们本来在距岸很远的地方所发现的一条上等的大鲸打死了,正想把它拖上海滩来。
  Now the Cinque Ports are partially or somehow under the jurisdiction of a sort of policeman or beadle, called a Lord Warden. 当时,辛格港大概有一部分是属于一种警察或者教区小吏性质的,称为"港口监督"的辖区的。
  Holding the office directly from the crown, I believe, 我相信他是直接秉承国王的命令行事的,
  all the royal emoluments incident to the Cinque Port territories become by assignment his. 凡属有关辛格港地区的皇家收益都归他管。
  By some writers this office is called a sinecure.  有些作家们管这个职司叫闲差。
  But not so. Because the Lord Warden is busily employed at times in fobbing his perquisites; 可是,事实却不然。因为这个"港口监督"一天到晚都在忙着塞满他自己的腰包;
  which are his chiefly by virtue of that same fobbing of them. 他的腰包主要就是这样塞满的。