
   I know not that any other author has hinted of the matter; 我不知道是否有其他作家提及此事,

  but by inference it seems to me that the sturgeon must be divided in the same way as the whale, 不过据我推断,鲟鱼也一定是按大鲸的办法来对分的,
  the King receiving the highly dense and elastic head peculiar to that fish, 国王拿鲟鱼所特有的那个非常细密而又富有弹性的头,
  which, symbolically regarded, may possibly be humorously grounded upon some presumed congeniality. 这种头,就象征意义说来,可能还很幽默,是以一种假设的相似性为根据的。
  And thus there seems a reason in all things, even in law. 这样说来,似乎什么东西都有一种道理,哪怕法律也不例外。
  Chapter 91 The Pequod Meets The Rose-Bud 第九十一章"裴廓德号"遇到"玫瑰蕊号"
  Quote, In vain it was to rake for Ambergriese in the paunch of this Leviathan, insufferable fetor denying not inquiry. End quote. SIR T. BROWNE, V. E. 要想在这种大海兽的腹内找到龙涎香是徒劳的,尽管有难堪的恶臭,人们还是要去寻根问底。托马斯·布朗子爵阁下
  It was a week or two after the last whaling scene recounted, and when we were slowly sailing over a sleepy, vapory, mid-day sea, 大约是在细说上一个捕鲸场景的两三个星期后,当时,我们正缓慢地航驶在令人昏昏欲睡、烟霭缭绕的正午的海面上,
  that the many noses on the Pequod's deck proved more vigilant discoverers than the three pairs of eyes aloft. "裴廓德号"甲板上的许多鼻子竟比呆在桅顶上那三对眼睛更机灵,
  A peculiar and not very pleasant smell was smelt in the sea. 闻到了海里有一股特殊而又不很好闻的气味。
  I will bet something now, said Stubb, "that somewhere hereabouts are some of those drugged whales we tickled the other day. 哼,我现在敢打一点赌,斯塔布说,"在这附近什么地方,一定有我们前些天用'得拉格,扣住了的一些鲸。
  I thought they would keel up before long." 我想它们不久就会翻上来。"
  Presently, the vapors in advance slid aside; 不一会,前边的烟霭不知不觉地飘开了,
  and there in the distance lay a ship, whose furled sails betokened that some sort of whale must be alongside. 而且远处还停有一艘船,从它那些卷起的风帆看来,说明它的船边一定拖有一条鲸。