
   Instantly the captain ran forward, and in a loud voice commanded his crew to desist from hoisting the cutting-tackles, 那个船长立即奔到前边,声音洪亮地命令他的水手,别再升起那只砍鲸的复滑车,

  and at once cast loose the cables and chains confining the whales to the ship. 要他们立刻把船边缚鲸的绳索缆链都给砍断。
  What now? said the Guernsey-man, when the Captain had returned to them. 现在又该说些什么?船长一回转来,那革恩齐人说道。
  Why, let me see; yes, you may as well tell him now that—that—in fact, tell him I've diddled him, and (aside to himself) perhaps somebody else. 唔,让我想想看;啊,你现在不妨对他这样说——说——就实实在在对他说,我已叫他上了当,而且,(旁白)也许上当的还不止他呢。
  He says, Monsieur, that he's very happy to have been of any service to us. 他说,先生,他能为我们效劳,真是十分高兴。
  Hearing this, the captain vowed that they were the grateful parties (meaning himself and mate), 听到这话,船长发誓说,应该万分感激的是他们这方面(指他自己和那个大副),
  and concluded by inviting Stubb down into his cabin to drink a bottle of Bordeaux. 结末说,他要邀斯塔布到他的船长室里去喝一瓶波尔多白葡萄酒。
  He wants you to take a glass of wine with him, said the interpreter. 他要请你去跟他喝一杯酒,那个翻译说。
  Thank him heartily; but tell him it's against my principles to drink with the man I've diddled. In fact, tell him I must go. 衷心感谢,但是,你对他说,跟一个上了我的当的人喝酒,是有背于我的原则的。就对他说,我得走啦。
  He says, Monsieur, that his principles won't admit of his drinking; 他说,先生,他一向是不喝酒的;
  but that if Monsieur wants to live another day to drink, then Monsieur had best drop all four boats, 不过,他说,如果先生想多活一些时候,以便多喝点酒的话,那么,请你先生最好还是把四只小艇全都放下去,
  and pull the ship away from these whales, for it's so calm they won't drift. 把这只船赶紧拖走,离开这两条鲸,因为这时候风平浪静,它们漂不开去。
  By this time Stubb was over the side, and getting into his boat, hailed the Guernsey-man to this effect, 这时,斯塔布已经翻过船舷,跨进他自己的小艇了,他跟那个革恩齐人说了下面几句话,
  that having a long tow-line in his boat, he would do what he could to help them, by pulling out the lighter whale of the two from the ship's side. 说他的小艇备有一根长长的拖索,他可以尽量帮他们的忙,把那两条鲸中一条较轻的从船边拉开。