冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1146期:第五十五章 凯特琳(2)(在线收听

   Below the Wheel Tower, they made a wide turn and knifed through the churning water. The men put their backs into it. 他们在水车塔下转了个大弯,直直地穿越汹涌河水,船夫使劲划桨,

  The wide arch of the Water Gate came into view, and she heard the creak of heavy chains as the great iron portcullis was winched upward. 水门的巨大拱形映入眼帘,她听见绞链的卷动,巨大的铁闸门缓缓升起。
  It rose slowly as they approached, and Catelyn saw that the lower half of it was red with rust. 当他们逐渐接近,凯特琳发现闸门下半部几乎全是红色铁锈,它们长年浸在水中,“水门”正是因此而得名。
  The bottom foot dripped brown mud on them as they passed underneath, the barbed spikes mere inches above their heads. 穿过闸门时,褐色烂泥不住滴下,门底尖刺距离头顶仅有几寸。
  Catelyn gazed up at the bars and wondered how deep the rust went and how well the portcullis would stand up to a ram and whether it ought to be replaced. 凯特琳抬头看着铁栅,不禁纳闷其锈蚀的程度有多严重,若是遇上撞锤,这道闸门又究竟能撑多久,到底该不该换新的?
  Thoughts like that were seldom far from her mind these days. 这些日子以来,她脑中所想尽是这类事情。
  They passed beneath the arch and under the walls, moving from sunlight to shadow and back into sunlight. 他们穿过拱门和城墙,从阳光下走进阴影中,接着又回到日光照耀下。
  Boats large and small were tied up all around them, secured to iron rings set in the stone. 四周停泊着大小船只,均稳固地系在石中铁环上。
  Her father's guards waited on the water stair with her brother. 弟弟正带着父亲的卫士们在临水阶梯上等候他们。
  Sir Edmure Tully was a stocky young man with a shaggy head of auburn hair and a fiery beard. 艾德慕·徒利爵士是个体格壮硕的年轻人,一蓬枣红头发,一把火红胡须,
  His breastplate was scratched and dented from battle, his blue-and-red cloak stained by blood and smoke. 胸甲上尽是战争遗留的刮痕和凹陷,红蓝披风沾染了血渍与烟尘。