冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1147期:第五十五章 凯特琳(3)(在线收听

   At his side stood the Lord Tytos Blackwood, a hard pike of a man with close-cropped salt-and-pepper whiskers and a hook nose. 站在他身边的是泰陀斯·布莱伍德伯爵,身躯硬挺,留了短短的灰胡子,生了个鹰钩鼻,

  His bright yellow armor was inlaid with jet in elaborate vine-and-leaf patterns, and a cloak sewn from raven feathers draped his thin shoulders. 亮黄色的盔甲上用黑玉镶成繁复的藤蔓图案,削瘦的肩膀上垂着鸦羽披风。
  It had been Lord Tytos who led the sortie that plucked her brother from the Lannister camp. 率兵出城突击,将弟弟从兰尼斯特军营地里救出来的人,正是泰陀斯伯爵。
  Bring them in, Sir Edmure commanded. “带他们进来。”艾德慕爵士下令。
  Three men scrambled down the stairs knee-deep in the water and pulled the boat close with long hooks. 三个人步下阶梯,走到及膝深的水里,用长钩把小艇拉过去。
  When Grey Wind bounded out, one of them dropped his pole and lurched back, stumbling and sitting down abruptly in the river. 灰风一跃而出,却将对方一人吓得慌忙后退,步履踉跄,跌坐水中,
  The others laughed, and the man got a sheepish look on his face. 众人哈哈大笑,那人则露出难为情的表情。
  Theon Greyjoy vaulted over the side of the boat and lifted Catelyn by the waist, setting her on a dry step above him as water lapped around his boots. 席恩·葛雷乔伊跳到船边,将凯特琳拦腰抱到干燥的石阶上,任凭流水拍打他的靴子。
  Edmure came down the steps to embrace her. "Sweet sister," he murmured hoarsely. 艾德慕走下阶梯拥抱她。“亲爱的姐姐。”他哑着嗓子说。
  He had deep blue eyes and a mouth made for smiles, but he was not smiling now. 他生了一对深邃的蓝眼睛,那双唇天生便该用来微笑,只是现在他却笑不出来。
  He looked worn and tired, battered by battle and haggard from strain. His neck was bandaged where he had taken a wound. 他的模样筋疲力竭,因为一连串的战争、压力而显得憔悴不堪,脖子上受伤的地方还绑了绷带。
  Catelyn hugged him fiercely. 凯特琳紧紧地搂住他。
  Your grief is mine, Cat, he said when they broke apart. "When we heard about Lord Eddard... the Lannisters will pay, I swear it, you will have your vengeance." “凯特,我和你一样难过。”他们分开时,他这么说,“当我们听说艾德大人出事的时候……兰尼斯特家会付出代价的,我对天发誓,一定为你复仇雪恨。”