冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1149期:第五十五章 凯特琳(5)(在线收听

   He forbade it. He did not want his enemies to know that he was dying. “是他不准,他不想让敌人知道自己将不久人世。

  With the realm so troubled, he feared that if the Lannisters suspected how frail he was... 眼下王国如此动乱,若是兰尼斯特家知道他这么虚弱,他怕他们会……”
  ... they might attack? Catelyn finished, hard. “……出兵进攻?”凯特琳艰难地替他说完。
  It was your doing, yours, a voice whispered inside her. 一切都是你的错,你的错啊,她心中有个声音在说,
  If you had not taken it upon yourself to seize the dwarf... 假如你没有头脑发热,逮捕那侏儒……
  They climbed the spiral stair in silence. 他们沉默地登上螺旋梯。
  The keep was three-sided, like Riverrun itself, and Lord Hoster's solar was triangular as well, 主堡和奔流城本身一样是三边造型,霍斯特公爵的书房也是三角形,
  with a stone balcony that jutted out to the east like the prow of some great sandstone ship. 东边有一突出的石制阳台,像是一艘巨大砂岩舰只的船首。
  From there the lord of the castle could look down on his walls and battlements, and beyond, to where the waters met. 从那里,公爵大人可将自己的城墙、堡垒和对面河流交界处尽收眼底。
  They had moved her father's bed out onto the balcony. 父亲的床已被移到阳台上。
  "He likes to sit in the sun and watch the rivers," Edmure explained. "Father, see who I've brought. Cat has come to see you... " “他喜欢晒太阳,观看河上风景。”艾德慕解释,“父亲,看看我带谁来了?凯特来看您了……”
  Hoster Tully had always been a big man; tall and broad in his youth, portly as he grew older. 霍斯特·徒利一向体形硕大:年轻时高大魁梧,步入老年后则显得有些臃肿。
  Now he seemed shrunken, the muscle and meat melted off his bones. Even his face sagged. 然而如今的他看起来却似乎有点萎缩,全身肌肉都融进了骨头,脸庞是那么干瘪。
  The last time Catelyn had seen him, his hair and beard had been brown, well streaked with grey. Now they had gone white as snow. 凯特琳上次见他时,他的头发和胡子还是棕褐里带了点灰,如今却整个变成了雪白。