冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1155期:第五十五章 凯特琳(11)(在线收听

   Theon Greyjoy was seated on a bench in Riverrun's Great Hall, 席恩·葛雷乔伊坐在奔流城大厅的板凳上,

  enjoying a horn of ale and regaling her father's garrison with an account of the slaughter in the Whispering Wood. 一手拿着麦酒角杯,一边跟父亲的手下叙述呓语森林大捷的经过。
  "Some tried to flee, but we'd pinched the valley shut at both ends, and we rode out of the darkness with sword and lance. “……那群人想逃,可我们把河谷两头堵得死死的,然后拿刀拿枪从黑暗里冲出来,
  The Lannisters must have thought the Others themselves were on them when that wolf of Robb's got in among them. 罗柏那头狼杀进去时,兰尼斯特家的人八成以为是异鬼来了。
  I saw him tear one man's arm from his shoulder, and their horses went mad at the scent of him. 我亲眼看见它把一个人的胳膊活生生地扯下来,周围的马闻到它的气味就发了狂,
  I couldn't tell you how many men were thrown..." 落马的人不可胜数……”
  Theon, she interrupted, "where might I find my son?" “席恩,”她打断他,“我儿子到哪里去了?”
  Lord Robb went to visit the godswood, my lady. “夫人,罗柏大人去了神木林。”
  It was what Ned would have done. He is his father's son as much as mine, I must remember. Oh, gods, Ned... 奈德以前也每每如此。他是他父亲的儿子,正如他是我的儿子,我必须牢牢记住。噢,诸神慈悲,奈德……
  She found Robb beneath the green canopy of leaves, surrounded by tall redwoods and great old elms, 她在绿叶编织的树蓬下找到罗柏,四周满是大红杉和老榆树。
  kneeling before the heart tree, a slender weirwood with a face more sad than fierce. 他跪在心树之前,那是一棵纤瘦的鱼梁木,刻画其上的脸庞多了几许哀伤,少了几分坚毅。
  His longsword was before him, the point thrust in the earth, his gloved hands clasped around the hilt. 他的长剑插在面前,剑尖深入土中,他双手戴着手套,紧紧握住剑柄,
  Around him others knelt: Greatjon Umber, Rickard Karstark, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, and more. 跪在他身旁的是大琼恩·安柏、瑞卡德·卡史塔克、梅姬·莫尔蒙、盖伯特·葛洛佛等人,
  Even Tytos Blackwood was among them, the great raven cloak fanned out behind him. 泰陀斯·布莱伍德亦在其中,硕大的鸦羽披风摊在身后。