
   Let me confess that we two must be twain, 尽管我们的爱天衣无缝、浑然一体,

  Although our undivided loves are one: 我却得承认我们毕竟在肉体上分离。
  So shall those blots that do with me remain 这样一来,我身上不光彩的疤痕,
  Without thy help by me be borne alone. 不劳你分忧,我自当独自担承。
  In our two loves there is but one respect, 是我们之间的挚爱把我们合二为一,
  Though in our lives a separable spite, 尽管在现实里我们有两个身躯。
  Which though it alter not love's sole effect, 两个身躯也改不了我们爱的专一、真纯,
  Yet doth it steal sweet hours from love's delight. 但毕竟会耗费掉些许甜蜜的光阴。
  I may not evermore acknowledge thee, 我从此或不再张扬你是我的知已,
  Lest my bewailed guilt should do thee shame, 以防我可悲的过失玷污你的英名;
  Nor thou with public kindness honour me, 你也不要当众赋予我殊荣,
  Unless thou take that honour from thy name: 除非你甘冒名声受损的厄运。
  But do not so; I love thee in such sort As, thou being mine, mine is thy good report. 可是别,别把我的话儿当真,须知我的爱是这样一种爱:你既属于我,我的好名声你也有份。