
   Why is my verse so barren of new pride, 为什么我的诗缺乏点晴之笔,

  So far from variation or quick change? 行文沉闷呆板,千篇一律?
  Why with the time do I not glance aside 为什么我的诗不顺应时尚,
  To new-found methods and to compounds strange? 花样翻新,自铸奇特的伟辞?
  Why write I still all one, ever the same, And keep invention in a noted weed, 为什么我总是重复同一个主皆,我的所有诗趣总穿同一件诗衣?
  That every word doth almost tell my name, 几乎每一个词都打着我的印记,
  Showing their birth and where they did proceed? 透露它出自何手,意在何地何时。
  O, know, sweet love, I always write of you, 啊,我的小亲亲,我的笔底明珠,
  And you and love are still my argument; 我只是写你、写爱、永远不会换题。
  So all my best is dressing old words new, 竭聪尽智,我只能陈辞翻出新意境.
  Spending again what is already spent: 旧曲重弹,又何妨故伎今日再重施。
  For as the sun is daily new and old, 天上太阳,日日轮因新成旧,
  So is my love still telling what is told. 铭心之爱,不尽衷肠诉无休。