
   My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still, While comments of your praise, richly compiled, 我的缪斯缄口不语自有其分寸,其他诗人均为你歌唱,竭力嘶声。

  Reserve their character with golden quill 瞧他们奋笔挥洒下灿灿诗行,
  And precious phrase by all the Muses filed. 分明是全体缪斯助其琢玉雕金。
  I think good thoughts whilst other write good words, 我是信言不美,他们是美言不信,
  And like unletter'd clerk still cry 'Amen' 他们有生花妙笔写下积卷的颂文,
  To every hymn that able spirit affords 我恰似教堂里领众应答的白丁,
  In polish'd form of well-refined pen. 对才子的篇篇赞颂一口一声“阿门”。
  Hearing you praised, I say ''Tis so, 'tis true,' 只要有人称道你,我便说:不错,当真,
  And to the most of praise add something more; 即使颂诗已好到极点我还想金上添银。
  But that is in my thought, whose love to you, 当然这只是我的想法,话儿尚未出口,
  Though words come hindmost, holds his rank before. 然而我的真爱却早已领头先行。
  Then others for the breath of words respect, 那么你且尊重他们,由于他们的雕章琢句;
  Me for my dumb thoughts, speaking in effect. 尊重我,由于我可意会而不可言传的其情。