
   How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose, 你让羞耻变得多么可爱清甜,让它像虫儿深埋在玫瑰芯儿中间,

  Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name! 使含苞欲放般的美名蒙上了污点,
  O, in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose! 呵,你筒直让罪行戴上了柔美的花环!
  That tongue that tells the story of thy days, 那条专揭你个人隐私的不烂之舌
  Making lascivious comments on thy sport, 想对你的行为造出些猥亵的流言,
  Cannot dispraise but in a kind of praise; 也不得不用赞美之词来掩盖其责难,
  Naming thy name blesses an ill report. 邪恶的话儿甜因有你的美名作装点。
  O, what a mansion have those vices got 啊,恶行所寄寓的地方是一栋大厦,
  Which for their habitation chose out thee, 这样一座庇护之所真是称它们心愿,
  Where beauty's veil doth cover every blot, 在其中美的面纱遮住了每一个污点,
  And all things turn to fair that eyes can see! 一切可见的事物都显得美丽非凡。
  Take heed, dear heart, of this large privilege; 小心呵,心肝,小心使用你这大特权,
  The hardest knife ill-used doth lose his edge. 再硬再利的刀子,使滥了刃也会翻卷。