
   Like as, to make our appetites more keen, With eager compounds we our palate urge, 正如为了有更好的胃口,我们常用酸辣味刺激舌头——

  As, to prevent our maladies unseen, 我们服泻药用假病来把真病赶走。
  We sicken to shun sickness when we purge, Even so, being full of your ne'er-cloying sweetness, 同样吃够了你那永不腻味的甘甜,
  To bitter sauces did I frame my feeding 我转而去把苦味的食物消受。
  And, sick of welfare, found a kind of meetness To be diseased ere that there was true needing. 健康久了,就觉得生生病也好,虽说本来就不必有这种需求。
  Thus policy in love, to anticipate 爱的本意是要防止未发的疾病,
  The ills that were not, grew to faults assured 却不料这种做法使疾病弄假成真:
  And brought to medicine a healthful state 好端端的身子却偏要受罪于药石,
  Which, rank of goodness, would by ill be cured: 原本是善的东西却要让恶来医治。
  But thence I learn, and find the lesson true, 不过,我倒因此获得了真正的开悟,
  Drugs poison him that so fell sick of you. 谁要是厌倦了你,药石也变成剧毒。