Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠(精讲之三)(在线收听) |
Dr.Marsha: Dr. Marsha. Sam: Dr.Marsha. I don't mean to be rude... Annie: Dr.Marsha. Dr.Marsha: ... and I don't want toinvade your privacy. Sam and Annie: Sure you do. Dr.Marsha: Go on, Sam. I'm listening. Sam? Sam: We had a pretty tough time there at first, but we're dealing with it and Jonah and I will get along just fine again, as soon as I break his radio. Dr.Marsha: I have no doubt that you're a wonderful father. You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.
Dr.Marsha: But something must be missing if Jonah still feelsyou're under a cloud. Now just a few questions: Are you sleeping at night? Jonah: He doesn't sleep at all. Sam: How do you know that? Jonah: I live here, dad. Sam: Look, it's Christmas. Maggie, my wife, she really... I mean, she loved... she made everything beautiful. It's justtoughthis time of year. Any kid needs a mother. Dr.Marsha: Could it be that you need someone just as much as Jonah does? Annie: Yes. Dr.Marsha: Don't answer that. Let's get into that right after these messages. Sam? Jonah? Don't go away. If you've just tuned in, we're talking to "Sleepless in Seattle". 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. invade your privacy 每个人都有自己的隐私,而每个人又都有维护自己的隐私的办法。至于管不管用,就要另当别论了。其实说到隐私,似乎老外会更注意一些,比如:年龄,工资,住址,甚至婚否,这都是我们不可以直接问的,而一旦直接问了会发生什么事情呢? "You're invading his privacy." (你已经侵犯了他的隐私了!) 2. be under a cloud 很地道的美国俚语,但是很少有人会用,因为我们一直在说 I'm not feeling very well. 其实我们还可以再换一种说法来表达。比如当有人问你 How are you doing recently? 的时候,我们就可以说:Well, I'm under a cloud. (我的心情不是很好!) 3. tough 文化面面观 Seattle Space Needle 太空针塔是Seattle的标志性建筑,就像艾菲尔铁塔相对于巴黎的意义一样。位于市中心的太空针是1962年为世界博览会所建,占地74英亩,高185米。其奇特的造型就像是一个飞碟立在细细长长的金属上面,整体设计非常前卫,这正符合当年博览会迎向未来的主题。站在上面可以360度俯瞰西雅图的街景。 Public Market Center 始建于1907年的帕克市场, 最初是西雅图农民和渔夫们自发的农贸交易市场。1970年,反对政府拆除旧市场的市民们不但保住了这座历史性的建筑,还捐款将帕克市场在原地重新翻修,将旧有的帆布顶改成现在坚固的屋顶,使帕克市场焕然一新。现在,这里已经成为西雅图的标志之一,它的鲜明的"Public Market Center"招牌就在本部电影中出现过。
1. 别翻看他的日记,你在侵犯他的隐私。 Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠 (精讲之二)考考你 参考答案 1. 一年之后我就回来了。 2. 你有再听我讲话吗? 3. 刚刚收听的听众,我们现在的话题是浪漫与爱情。 |
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