美国语文第六册 第5期:纽卡斯尔公爵趣事(5)(在线收听

   The Duke, by this time perfectly awake, was staggered at the impossibility of receiving intelligence from Madrid in so short a space of time; 公爵这时已经完全醒了,担心不可能这么短时间内便得到来自马德里的情报,

  and perplexed at the absurdity of a king's messenger applying for his son-in-law to succeed the King of Spain: 对国王的信使请求让他的女婿来继任西班牙国王这种荒谬之举甚为困惑。
  "Is the man drunk, or mad? Where are your dispatches?" exclaimed his grace, hastily drawing back his curtain; where, instead of a royal courier, “这家伙醉了,还是疯了?你们派的人在哪儿呢?”公爵边大声说,边拉开床帘;只见站在床前的不是皇家信使,
  he recognized at the bedside, the fat, good-humored countenance of his friend from Cornwall, making low bows, with hat in hand, 他认出站在旁边的是那位胖胖的脸上一副愉快神情的来自康沃尔的老朋友,见他弯腰鞠躬,手上捧着帽子,
  and "hoping my lord would not forget the gracious promise he was so good as to make, in favor of his son-in-law, at the last election." 说“希望大人不要忘了仁慈的承诺,在最后的选举中照顾他女婿”。
  Vexed at so untimely a disturbance, and disappointed of news from Spain, the Duke frowned for a moment; 公爵对如此不合时宜的打扰非常恼怒,对来自西班牙的消息很失望,他眉头紧蹙,
  but chagrin soon gave way to mirth, at so singular and ridiculous a combination of circumstances, 但很快就对如此滑稽和可笑的混乱转怒为笑,
  and, yielding to the impulse, he sunk upon the bed in a violent fit of laughter, which was communicated in a moment to the attendants. 不再冲动,他哈哈大笑着躺在床上,示意侍者。
  The relater of this little narrative, concludes, with observing, 这则轶闻的叙述者评述道,
  "Although the Duke of Newcastle could not place the relative of his old acquaintance on the throne of His Catholic Majesty, “尽管纽卡斯尔公爵没有将他老相识的亲戚送上西班牙国王的宝座,
  he advanced him to a post not less honorable—he made him an exciseman." 他还是把他安排到一个不那么显要的位置上——他让他担任收税官。”