美国语文第六册 第9期:风暴(1)(在线收听

   They looked round on every side, and hope gave way before the scene of desolation. 他们环顾四周,盼望眼前不再是荒凉的景象。

  Immense branches were shivered from the largest trees; small ones were entirely stripped of their leaves; 那些长得最高大的树浓密的树叶摇曳颤抖着,而小树的枝叶则完全脱落了。
  the long grass was bowed to the earth; the waters were whirled in eddies out of the little rivulets; 长得很高的青草匍匐在地面上,清水从小溪里打着漩涡流淌出来;
  birds, leaving their nests to seek shelter in the crevices of the rocks, unable to stem the driving air, flapped their wings and fell upon the earth; 飞离鸟巢在岩石的裂缝中寻觅着栖身之地的鸟儿,无法在涌来的气流中稳住身躯,结果扑打着翅膀落在地上。
  the frightened animals of the plain, almost suffocated by the impetuosity of the wind, sought safety and found destruction; 原野上受惊的动物被铺天盖地的大风刮得窒息了,到处寻找能避风的安全所在,最后倒地不起。
  some of the largest trees were torn up by the roots; the sluices of the mountains were filled, and innumerable torrents rushed down the before empty gullies. 那些大树有的被风连根拔起,山上洪流卷起数不清的狂潮,朝溪谷奔泻而下。
  The heavens now open, and the lightning and thunder contend with the horrors of the wind. 这时,天空敞开裂口,电闪雷鸣与骇人的狂风展开一场竞赛。
  In a moment, all was again hushed. Dead silence succeeded the bellow of the thunder, the roar of the wind,  一时间,所有的一切——电闪雷鸣和山洪,又归于寂静。雷鸣怒吼、狂风咆哮、
  the rush of the waters, the moaning of the beasts, the screaming of the birds. 山洪大作、兽啸山林和鸟儿尖叫过后,接下来是死一般的沉寂。
  Nothing was heard save the plash of the agitated lake, as it beat up against the black rocks which girt it in. 除了湍急的湖水绕着黑魆魆的岩石拍打的声音,什么也听不到了。