美国语文第六册 第10期:风暴(2)(在线收听

   Again, greater darkness enveloped the trembling earth. 颤抖的大地又一次披上了更幽深的黑暗的外衣。

  Anon, the heavens were rent with lightning, which nothing could have quenched but the descending deluge. 不久之后,天空划过一道道闪电,暴雨倾盆而下。
  Cataracts poured down from the lowering firmament. 从乌云压得很低的苍穹,大瀑布一般的雨向大地倾泻。
  For an instant, the horses dashed madly forward; beast and rider blinded and stifled by the gushing rain, and gasping for breath. 顷刻间,马儿发疯似的向前猛冲,不论马儿还是骑马的行路人都被瓢泼大雨遮挡住了视线,气都喘不上来了。
  Shelter was nowhere. The quivering beasts reared, and snorted, and sank upon their knees, dismounting their riders. 瑟瑟发抖的马儿向后倒退着,发出很响的鼻息,双膝颤抖着向下堆着,将骑手掀下马来。
  He had scarcely spoken, when there burst forth a terrific noise, they knew not what;  当爆出骇人的声响时,他一言不发,人们不晓得怎么会这样。他们不清楚是怎么回事,
  a rush, they could not understand; a vibration which shook them on their horses. 只是匆忙赶路。一阵地动山摇,他们在马上直摇晃。
  Every terror sank before the roar of the cataract. 在听到大瀑布的轰鸣声之前,所有的恐惧都沉在每个人的心底。
  It seemed that the mighty mountain, unable to support its weight of waters, shook to the foundation. 仿佛巍峨的高山也无法负担山洪的重压似的,连它的根部也在摇晃。
  A lake had burst upon its summit, and the cataract became a falling ocean. 湖水倾泛,大瀑布汇成了海洋。
  The source of the great deep appeared to be discharging itself over the range of mountains; the great gray peak tottered on its foundation! 最深处的水源似乎流向各山脉,远处隐约可见的峰顶好像也晃了起来!
  It shook!—it fell! and buried in its ruins the castle, the village, and the bridge! 它在摇晃!摇摇欲坠!城堡、村庄和桥梁夷为平地了!